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The blacksmith offers you hand-forged grave crosses made in-house, which you can order via the online shop. These are delicate iron masterpieces that are forged by hand and therefore do not have any unsightly weld seams.
You can choose from four different models, each in the colors black matt, graphite matt, black matt silver patinated and black matt copper patinated. Prices vary depending on the model and color.
The forge is located in Slovenia, near the Austrian border and we offer you handcraft of the best quality and perfection. The price-performance ratio is also significantly better than providers in neighboring countries.
Contact us by email/phone. We speak Slovenian, German and English.
Since the dawn of humanity, there have been many different types of burial and personal or religious reasons have always been a reason to lovingly decorate the grave of the deceased. Not only were crypts or mausoleums created here, but grave crosses were also a sign of respect for the dead.
Christians in particular chose the grave cross, also known as the death cross, as the form of design. It stands for the crucified and risen Jesus Christ and is also intended to symbolize the hope for the resurrection of the deceased.
The grave cross dates back to the early modern period. At this time, real cemeteries emerged and so that the grave could be marked as such, a cross made of wood or stone was used.
Around the 16th and 17th centuries, mechanical processing in the craft trades expanded and grave crosses could therefore be designed in a more varied way. The grave cross, which was forged from iron, now enjoyed great popularity. These wrought iron grave crosses could now be found in cemeteries mainly in the Alpine region. Around the 18th and 19th centuries, cast iron grave crosses were created as a result of industrialization, but these did not allow for such great artistic diversity.
The trend is now back towards hand-forged grave crosses, which look very nice, but are not as massive as a stone and not as simple as a wooden cross. They not only look beautiful on a grave with flowers, but also enhance graves that are only planted with green ground cover. Such a forged grave cross can also be beautifully integrated into a grave with a stone slab.
True works of art are created from fire and iron and lovingly decorate a grave. But what sounds so easy requires hard work and concrete planning. The grave crosses are true masterpieces and testify to the love and dedication with which they are made.
Before the actual work, the material, i.e. the iron, must be shaped to a temperature between 750°C and 1,250°C. Afterwards it is so soft that it can be worked on further. Now the ornaments can be worked out, although hard work with a hammer and anvil is necessary to give the grave cross its shape and appearance.
In addition, the grave cross can be engraved according to your wishes. During all of this work, no welding torch is used anywhere. This means you are purchasing a cross without weld seams and with smooth transitions!
Therefore, when comparing with other providers, please pay particular attention to the processing, especially existing weld seams. Weld seams are particularly susceptible to rust!
The grave crosses are designed and manufactured by master blacksmith Bruno Kalcic, who puts a lot of passion into his work. The team is also supported by a locksmith. The team therefore includes an artistic mind who has turned his hobby of blacksmithing into a profession and a blacksmith who wants to continue the tradition. They have reinforcement from a colleague who has learned this and also practices it. These men know their craft and show a lot of attention to detail and clean workmanship. You can clearly see this in the quality of the iron grave crosses.
Basically, the grave cross can also be set up by yourself! It just needs to be concreted into the ground. Another variation would be to place it on a marble or stone base. This must then be done accordingly, ideally by a stonemason. Suitable fastenings are particularly required for this. Our crosses come with the corresponding screws for fastening!
Important: In cemeteries in Germany, a permit is required to set up a grave cross, especially if you want to set it up yourself. This must first be obtained from the cemetery administration. In most cases, the administrations will do the list for you.
You can take your time and choose a grave cross in our online shop and decide which color and type you like. The choice of color also plays a role here. All color variants look very beautiful and elegant.
Helle Farben wirken auf dem Grab freundlich wirken und werden deshalb auch gerne auf Gräbern von jung verstorbenen Menschen verwendet. Die dunkleren Varianten wirken eher edel und werden für Gräber von Erwachsenen oder älteren Menschen gerne genommen.
Weiteres Zubehör wie eine geschmiedete Vase oder eine Blume vervollständigen das Ganze. Dieses Zubehör finden Sie auch im Onlineshop und Sie können es passend zum Grabkreuz mit bestellen – gerade Vasen sind sehr beliebt.
Auch eine Gravur gibt dem Kreuz dann noch einen persönliche Aufwertung. Das kann aus einer persönlichen Widmung bestehen oder aber einfach aus den Daten des Verstorbenen. Gerne besprechen wir mit Ihnen, welche Möglichkeiten der Gravur es gibt und wo die Gravur auf dem Kreuz stehen könnte. Dazu nutzen Sie bitte das Kontaktformular oder schreiben uns per Mail Ihre Wünsche (siehe ebenfalls unsere Kontaktseite).
Sofern Sie das Grabkreuz auf einen Sockel stellen möchte, benötigen Sie einen Steinmetz, der diesen fertigt und am Grab anbringt. Die Schrauben zur Befestigung liefern wir mit. In der Regel arbeiten Friedhöfe gerne mit bestimmten Steinmetz-Betrieben zusammen. Somit können Sie sich bei der Friedhofsverwaltung erkundigen welcher sich in greifbarer Nähe befindet. Andernfalls nehmen Sie mit einem beliebigen Steinmetz Kontakt auf, welcher dann alles Weitere mit der Friedhofsverwaltung direkt klärt.
Ob Sie das Grabkreuz aufstellen dürfen, hängt davon ab, ob Sie von der Friedhofsverwaltung die Genehmigung dafür bekommen. Somit müssen Sie sich zwingend mit dieser vorher in Verbindung setzen. In Deutschland ist eine amtliche Bescheinigung nötig, damit Sie ein Grabkreuz auf einem Friedhof errichten dürfen.
Hierfür müssen Sie eine Maßstab getreue Zeichnung und eine Beschreibung des Grabkreuzes vorlegen. Ebenso muss die Beschreibung das Material, die Schriftart, die Befestigungsart sowie die Abmessungen enthalten. Schreiben Sie uns gerne, was benötigt wird und wir senden es ihnen umgehend kostenfrei per E-Mail zu.
Da jede Kommune ihre eigenen Friedhofsverordnungen hat, sind die Anforderungen hier sehr unterschiedlich und können nicht pauschal genannt werden. Fragen Sie deshalb in der für Sie oder das Grab zuständigen Friedhofsverwaltung nach und lassen Sie sich erklären, was Sie alles für die Genehmigung benötigen.
Sofern Sie Ihre Wahl schon für ein bestimmtes Grabkreuz getroffen haben, setzen Sie sich mit der Grabkreuz Schmiede in Verbindung, damit Ihnen alle nötigen Daten übermittelt werden können. KaufeSie das Grabkreuz nicht ohne vorherige Beratung, da Sie es unter Umständen nicht auf dem Friedhof aufstellen dürfen.
Damit Sie sich ein Bild von den verschiedenen Grabkreuzvarianten machen können, finden Sie hier kurze Beschreibungen.
Alle Kreuze werden mit passenden Schrauben, zur Befestigung auf einen Sockel, mitgeliefert!
Sie können die Farben Ihres handgeschmiedeten Grabkreuzes aussuchen. Diese Auswahl können Sie im Produkt vornehmen.
Damit die Grabkreuze richtig wirken können, sehen Sie sich bitte unbedingt die weiteren Bilder in den jeweiligen Produkten dazu an.
Please note that the more complex the work, the more expensive the crosses become, although the prices for a grave cross of this type are really cheap! In all variants, the clean work and attention to detail are immediately noticeable.
If you don’t consider any of these, we can also implement your customer requests. Write us an email, perhaps even with one of your designs, and we will be happy to create an individual offer along with the delivery time.
First, choose a grave cross. Please also select the color you want. You can simply add this by clicking “add to cart” – nothing else happens!
Then please consider whether you have any optional requests, such as a vase, rose or engravings.
If everything is clear/OK, we ask you to click on the shopping cart and complete the further steps/points such as delivery address etc. Then comes the question of payment.
If all the information is correct and available, you will automatically receive an email with the most important data along with an invoice.
After receipt of payment (and no further requests need to be implemented), your package will immediately be sent to you. Delivery takes place from Monday to Thursday.
Of course, we will inform you which carrier is being delivered and the shipment ID for tracking the shipment.
If you have any further requests, such as: B. an engraving, this of course takes a little longer. But we always inform you in advance!
Payment for the grave cross order is made in advance. Either use Paypal, credit card or a classic bank transfer via IBAN and BIC . Payments can also be made via Przelewy24 (P24), EPS, Bancontact, iDEAL or giropay.
Unfortunately, we do not accept direct debit/Sepa direct debit, checks or purchase on account.
If the delivery is to Austria, Germany or South Tyrol, shipping to you is free of charge (FREI HOUSE) . For all other countries, prior agreement is necessary. Please contact us using the contact form.
If it is a “grave cross from our shop range” – and no data is engraved – you can return these handmade grave crosses (right of withdrawal). However, you bear the costs and responsibility of returning the item to our address. After we receive the shipment, the goods will be checked for integrity. If everything is OK, the purchase price will be refunded to you within 10 working days.
“Specially made” (individual) grave crosses cannot be returned or exchanged!
Of course, you receive a guarantee on our handmade crosses. This is at least 20 years from the date of purchase. Please keep the invoice.